Spanish Residency permit for EU nationals (includes TIE card & NIE number)

Immigration & Residency

All expats (both EU and non-EU) that spend over 3 consecutive months in Spanish territory, within a 6-month rolling period, must apply for residencia. If you remain in Spain after 3 months, without attaining residency, you will be regarded as an illegal alien and may even be subject to deportation to your home country. Additionally, all expats who are not registered will be stripped of a series of EU rights and entitlements. For your own good, please make sure you apply for it. This service includes a NIE number and TIE card at no extra cost. This residency service is only available to EU-residents.


At LNA, we have a 100% track record attaining Spanish residency permits on behalf of our clients. The residency permit is currently taking 4 weeks to be granted, as from the time of application.


(EDIT 2019) Due to gnawing Brexit issues, the procedure has become convoluted, with added layers of admin hoops and hurdles that keep changing all the time adding to the red tape. Be advised the procedure doesn't work by the book and there is a myriad of local variations and discrepancies depending on where you apply. Which is why we strongly recommend you hire an experienced company like us to handle it. Our Spanish residency experts, who work on the ground, will handhold you from start to finish.


IMPORTANT: Attaining Spanish residency may imply you will become a Spanish tax resident.



Larraín Nesbitt Lawyers offers you a comprehensive service to attain Spanish residency (Costa del Sol and Malaga only).


Legal fees: 400*

*  Does not include VAT or extras, such as empadronamiento, renewals or sworn translations into Spanish. In the rare event your application is turned down, refunds do not apply.


We will be very pleased to discuss your matter with you. You can contact us by e-mail at, by telephone on our UK line UK: (+44) 07543 838 218, or Spanish line (+34) 952 19 22 88, or by completing our contact form to book an appointment.


Spanish resideny permit related legal services



Residency-related articles

