Gifting property, or money


Whilst some property owners may find it unnecessary, or even pointless, to hire a lawyer on gifting property (or money), it is strongly recommended to avoid tax and legal problems. This procedure involves a full conveyance service (from a legal point of view it's exactly the same as if you were selling the property).


The generous tax breaks available in Andalusia, and in several other regions of Spain, on gifting property (or money) do not operate automatically, and require the input of a seasoned lawyer to organize the procedure. Hire a lawyer and ensure you pay no gift tax, or as little as is legally possible.


Our conveyance fee is tax-deductible on selling the property.


Marbella-based Larrain Nesbitt Abogados has over 21 year’s conveyancing experience at your service. Our team of native English-speaking lawyers and economists have a long track record successfully assisting expats all over Spain, including Madrid and Barcelona. You can review here our client’s testimonials. We offer the most competitive fees in the market.


Legal fees: on application


Our service is all-inclusive:


  • Deal only with native English-speaking lawyers.
  • Breakdown of associated expenses and taxes for both giftor and giftee.
  • English translation.*
  • Ensure payment is correct
  • Arrange signing of Gift deed before a Notary Public**
  • Calculating, filing, and payment of associated gift taxes (Capital Gains Tax, Plusvalia Tax, and Gift Tax).
  • Tax mitigation. Our lawyers will endeavour to take advantage of regional tax breaks on gifting property or money.


*Does not include contract translation, which incurs additional fees.

**Does not include discharging a pre-existing mortgage; additional fees apply.


We will be very pleased to discuss your matter with you. You can contact us by e-mail at, by telephone on (+34) 952 19 22 88 or by completing our contact form to book an appointment.


Gifting property related article

